Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My Gift

When I was a child we had a babysitter, Dee, an older woman, large and loving, who always said I had a guardian angel. In fact she always called me her guardian angel. Time and time again, her simple wisdom proved amazing. What I took as ‘just words’ back then I now realize was a beautiful invitation to an invisible network of support, a network that is available to each of us, on this level and beyond. Contrary to what others would lead us to believe, we are supported in the most brilliant of ways.

When the choice to play here on Earth was made, each of us received unfathomable connections to our Source so that we would never forget how deeply loved and cherished we truly are. Much goes on here that would offer different beliefs, but I know otherwise. If my life has been teaching me anything as of late, it’s that there is a network - a matrix - of love and assistance that none can change or remove. It is only our choice to ignore it that allows it to lessen in its appearance throughout our lives. Support it, and it grows.

There are ‘good’ days and there are ‘bad’ days, days where my smile is as wide as the Grand Canyon, and days where I just want it all to end, the hurt, the uncertainty, the challenges I see my partner going through in his journey with cancer.

Yet somehow, when I reach out and ask – really ask – for guidance, assistance, strength, unconditional love, I receive it. Every time. Not always through the avenue that I was expecting, but there none the less. Sometimes it comes in the form of a phone call offering help. Another time it was a rainbow stretched over the house and a songbird in the tree out front. However it shows up, this love touches me deeply and clears out whatever I had been holding onto, as if I had to protect myself. And each time it is a message that is very personal to me. How can I not be grateful?!

So in the depths of my meditation the other night I started to write what ‘advice’ I would give to an incoming being about life here on Earth. And it ended up being a stunning channeled message for my own self. What beauty there is in our connectedness!

I wrote:

What would I want to say?

~There is much to be experienced here – both seemingly ‘good’ and ‘bad’. None are to be judged as such, only take note. For in your acceptance of each, things will flow more easily and certainly be more fun.

~Enjoy all that this world has to offer you. There is great beauty therein. Life is infinite in its interpretations, shapes and sounds. Participate as you are so drawn to and see the beauty that is expressed at each corner, each intersection. Nature is abundance and pleasure is adored.

~Choose a direction of expression that is passionate to you. For in your choices you will be fortified with strength and devotion to all that is Us.

~ Know how deeply you are loved and supported by All That Is. Beings beyond your remembrance lift and guide you through all situations with but a request for help. Never are you alone. Never.

~Your choice to come here is celebrated by many. Please enjoy the experience. Play with gusto. Live larger, love with every fiber of your being. Breathe deeply, consciously, fully. Open and allow it all to be felt in your love for your own self – your own journey here – for this is why you came- to express it all.

~Don’t hold back for anyone else’s choice to be in discomfort. They will grow – or not - as they so choose. Do not allow their choices to dictate your speed, your altitude, your direction. Limiting yourself thusly only reduces the light you project and no one benefits in the end by such measures. That is not love – no matter what you are told otherwise.

~ Allow yourself to be swallowed whole by This that is you. Swim in it. You are beautiful, so complete, so divine in nature. Dive in. Just as Queen’s Bath (Kauai) supports  and lifts you – so too will We, your own self expressed through numerous reflections, on numerous levels and varied ‘shapes’. Know We are here to guide you, support you, and connect you in your choice to be so attended.

~We salute your choices to express this. We long for your deepest expressions to be made manifest and you also have this longing – this desire. Such beauty should not be contained in a little box. It does not fit.

May you feel the deepest expressions of love that are contained herein. Take them into your heart and feel the joy behind the words. I offer them as a Christmas gift, a holiday gift, a timeless gift of gratitude and appreciation for you being truly you.

Thank you~

And as a follow up on Robert:

We’re ¼ of the way through treatment today. He actually gained back 2 lbs as of yesterday!! Yippee!! His next chemo is on the 29th of Dec, and he gets radiation every Mon- Fri. He’s ‘recovered’ from the 1st chemo, but now the radiation is beginning to be felt. We’re told that soon he won’t be able to swallow without difficulty and food will lose its taste. We’re working at putting on as much poundage as possible before that!

With a change in diet, lots of water, plenty of naps, and as much walking and exercise as we possibly can fit in- so far, so good.  The holidays will not be quite like the usual, but we are together, and ever so grateful for all the help that has been extended. Your emails and phone calls, visits and good wishes are definitely working!!

If you are around on Thurs Dec 29th and can stop in at Sharp Memorial Outpatient Infusion Center (3075 Health Center Dr. suite 102, 92123) from 11:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., I know that he’d love a visit. (They will validate your parking.)

Thanks for all your wonderful assistance with the surf videos! Perfect!

Robert’s birthday is Mon Jan 2 and sure to be not as pleasurable as usual. If you wish to email him: rblando@sbcglobal.net.

Thank you!


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