Oh, good morning! How are you? Forgive me please, I had not meant to be away for so long. Things have just gotten busy, and well, that is really about the only excuse I have. But I have missed you! I adore these moments of sharing, of opening up and really expressing. You are so appreciated.
Yes, the last month has been quite full, what with leaving Baja for a visit to the States. We stayed in San Diego for a week to get appointments taken care of, and then jetted off to Hawaii for 2 weeks. (One of which was spent at a retreat – ah, the bliss of it!) Now we’re back in SD still doing ‘things’ to get ready to return south in a week or so.
What has been most interesting is noticing the changes in me since having moved to Baja back in July. I see differently. What once seemed to hold fascination or was off-putting, no longer is. I am willing to go to new places, within and without; I am letting go of old paradigms and moving ahead. And it is very freeing.
As we drove north from Punta Abreojos at the beginning of October, these changes became apparent to me. Where once I might have seen squalor, and judged it as such, I now saw potential, vibrancy and heart. Plazas were festooned with colorful flags celebrating Mexico and her inhabitants. There were orange churches, screaming pink houses, a building with purple turrets, a soft pastel pink YMCA and stores that simply could not be missed for the riot of color out front. What a visual feast! I felt like I was seeing with fresh eyes. Old judgments had dropped and I could breathe. When had I become so intolerant of other lifestyles and choices? At what point had I steeled my heart to not feel openly, with passion and unconditional love? I never knew I had carried such protective armor within.
Arriving in SD we went right to work to take care of various ‘to-dos’ on the list, just to whittle it down somewhat before leaving on the 13th for Hawaii. I have participated in Weston Jolly’s Hawaii Retreat now for 5 years and I cherish the opportunity each time to open further and grow, and of course this year was no exception. The assistance to dig deeper within and really take accountability for all my choices is something that I am ever grateful for. (Thank you Wes, Karen and all the participants!)
So the 1st week on Kauai we ‘retreated’ while the 2nd week was spent snorkeling, reading, hiking, and general enjoyment. But interestingly, for the 1st time ever, both Robert and I were ready to leave before our scheduled departure. As beautiful as Hawaii is, with the luscious greens and vibrant flora everywhere, it no longer felt the same. Looking carefully at it, I could see that part of the draw of Hawaii had been that I’m on the beach, with blue skies and spectacular cloud formations overhead and I can go jump in the water anytime, it’s so warm. But now I live on the beach, with all those exceptional qualities! (Albeit not with the lush plant life….) Somehow it just didn’t feel as exciting as before. So I spent a week in heartfelt gratitude for such wonderful opportunities and said good bye to the island. I have gained so much there and I now am ready to move on to new experiences, new places.
And that is kind of how San Diego feels, too. I do so love my friends here and am grateful for the chance to check in and exchange hugs. Restocking supplies is easy and plentiful here, but the draw to stay – no that is gone. I wondered how I would feel when I returned. Now I know. I am ready to drive south to our casita on the beach, my studio, my paints and to new adventure. There is so much more to being than I ever dreamed imaginable and I choose to explore this! What a joy this life is!
So forgive me, please, if I have been long winded. I just had to let you know where I have been, and why you’ve not heard from me in some time. Certainly it is not for lack of caring, oh no! Many is the time that I have stopped and thought, “I have to write about that!” but I didn’t take my computer with me to Hawaii. I just needed to step aside and check in deeply. And now that I have, get ready, I’m going to adventure!